Monday, April 27, 2009


I received this book as a member of Thomas Nelson’s Book Review Blogger program to review before the release date. I made the mistake of starting to read it later in the evening. I could not put it down until I was done, yet I didn’t want it to end - I felt like Jones had more wisdom to share.

Jones is a mysterious old man who just happens to show up when people need him the most & helps them change their life for the better by giving them a new perspective - the running theme of the book.

I loved the book in that I could see myself in the different stories yet see it as an observer. It’s very encouraging when Jones says, “even your worst times have value and can become, in retrospect, your best times.” He offers so many different perspectives on life, that someone will see themselves or someone they know in every chapter. There is a reader’s guide at the end with questions about each chapter to let the lessons sink in further. I especially like the question “how can you begin to make changes in your life to be more like Jones?” I think it will be a great way to start each day.

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