Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I received this book as a member of Thomas Nelson’s BookSneeze Book Review program http://www.booksneeze.com Thank you

This lovely book is about the butterfly effect. When a butterfly flaps its wings, it moves molecules of air, which would move other molecules of air, that move other molecules of air. In fact, on the other side of the world, there might be a hurricane happening - all because a butterfly flapped its wings here just a few minutes ago!

The author’s note in the beginning describes a conversation with Jones who we met in “The Noticer” which was another book that I loved. “With a little perspective, you can live a life of permanent purpose. When you know that everything matters - that every move counts a much as any other - you will begin living a life of permanent purpose.” We are part of our own butterfly effect.

He tells 2 stories of people who have changed the world. The first one was about a little-known Civil War leader who, when faced with the choice to do nothing or do something, decided to do something. We could be living a totally different kind of life had he decided to do nothing. The characters in the second story have an important link to each other. If 1 person was not part of the next person’s life, who knows if the course of history would have been different. Just think about your own life where 1 event builds onto the next.

These stories show us that every little thing you do matters: what you did yesterday, what you do today, and what you do tomorrow. God made your life so important that every move you make, every action you take, matters . . . and not only for you or the people around you. Everything you do matters for everyone and for all time!

The last line of the book - Your life ... And what you do with it today ... MATTERS FOREVER - is an inspiration & challenge for everyone who reads it.

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