Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I received this book as a member of Thomas Nelson’s BookSneeze Book Review program http://www.booksneeze.com Thank you

This lovely children’s book is about the butterfly effect.When a butterfly flaps its wings, it moves tiny pieces of air . . . that move other tiny pieces of air . . . that move other tiny pieces of air. In fact, on the other side of the world, they might be feeling a big whoosh of wind - all because a butterfly flapped its wings here just a few minutes ago!

The characters in the story have an important link to each other. If 1 person was not part of the next person’s life, who knows if the course of history would have been different. Just think about your own life where 1 event builds onto the next. We also have a butterfly effect in our lives.

This story shows us that every little thing you do matters: what you did yesterday, what you do today, and what you do tomorrow. God made your life so important that every move you make, every action you take, matters . . . and not only for you or the people around you. Everything you do matters for everyone and for all time!

The last line of the book - That means YOU can be the kid who changes the world! - is an inspiration & challenge for everyone who reads it.

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