Monday, September 7, 2009

Fearless Review


I received this book as a member of Thomas Nelson’s Book Review Blogger program to review before the release date. Thank you

This book covers many different kinds of fears so most people will see themselves in there at least once, if not multiple times. Life is full of fearful things but we seem to be more afraid of the threats made up in our minds. Realizing this can often be the death of the fear.

“For fear of the worst, they never enjoy life at its best.” Some people live so cautiously that they avoid most of life. They think they will be safe if they do nothing, but then they just end up with nothing. Facing your fears & living to tell about it is one of the greatest feelings in the world.

“Courage is fear that has said its prayers.” It’s OK to be afraid. We just can’t let it stop us. Jesus gives us strength we didn’t know we had. If He is protecting us, we can do anything.

There is a discussion guide at the end with questions & exercises about each chapter to let the lessons sink in further. Reading through a book the first time doesn’t always pass along the wisdom, but going back over a chapter in detail to find the answers really solidifies it.